Make living a healthy lifestyle, easier!

Top 10 Tips to Living a Healthy Lifestyle  

(For healthy muscles, joints, and movement)

Living a healthy lifestyle can mean different things to different people. In this instance, we are talking about ways to keep your muscles and joints healthy so you can maintain your strength and ability to move as you’d like throughout your life. 

We will discuss two approaches to living a healthy lifestyle. One approach is to do certain healthy activities, while the second approach is tactics to make staying active and injury-free easier. 

So, let’s get right to the tips, starting with healthy activities. 

1. Exercise

Exercise is one of those things we all know we probably should be doing in order to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can come in many forms and engaging in some sort of activity regularly has been shown to have numerous positive health benefits. Some of the most common examples that might come to mind include: going to the gym (weight lifting and or cardio exercise), running, fitness classes, biking, and sports.   

2. Stretching

Stretching is another important activity that we know we should be doing, but often leave out of our regular exercise programs. I would argue that stretching and mobility work (which we’ll talk about next) are equally as important to maintaining a high level of health and fitness, especially as we age. Stretching is important for joint flexibility, reducing the risk of injury to the area, and can also help your muscles work more effectively.

3. Mobility

Mobility in this case is about moving your body through its full range of motion. In our daily lives, we tend to do many of the same things over and over again and our bodies get used to moving in those same ways. It is important for us to move each joint in our body through its available range routinely in order for us to maintain our mobility.

4. Healthy Eating

The fuel we put in our bodies is critical to a healthy lifestyle and needs to be part of your healthy living routine. To help your body thrive, aim for variety when it comes to meals. When making out the grocery list be sure to include lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein, healthy fats, and slow-digesting, higher fiber carbohydrates.

The next tips focus more on how to make achieving a healthy lifestyle a little bit easier.

5. Make activity a part of your routine

One of the easiest ways to stay active and healthy is to make activity part of your routine. Make sure to schedule healthy activities into your day, don’t just try to fit them in around every other scheduled task (aka, “I’ll go if I have time”). Block healthy activities into your calendar like any other appointment that is non-negotiable. 

For me, the best way to do this is to participate in scheduled group fitness classes (which we will talk about next!) By signing up for a class I am committing not only to my time but to another person’s time as well!

Another way to do this is to make everyday activities like going to the store more challenging!

I will often park further away so I will have to walk further. I also always take the stairs even when I could take the elevator.  

Sometimes, it’s the little efforts that make the biggest difference.

6. Group activities or Accountability Partner

As I said, group fitness works best for me!

Try partnering up with someone who has similar health goals or join a group activity with supportive members. Most fitness communities are extremely welcoming and offer a great support system!

By having someone to keep you accountable, or by exercising with a group, you may find that you are better able to stick to a routine of regular exercise or healthy eating; a good support system is a key to rounding out a healthy lifestyle. It is basically like having your own little cheerleading squad!

7. Set smaller incremental goals for yourself.

Sometimes when trying to set goals, we set bigger non-specific goals that can seem overwhelming. I know I am bad for saying things like “I am going to run 1km every day during my lunch hour” and then feeling as though that task is daunting when the time comes.

Take a look at the goal you have set – could it be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks? Keep dividing the goals into smaller and smaller tasks until you find yourself working on the little things. If, for example, you’re hoping to start a running program, your first goal could be as simple as lacing up your shoes and stepping outside.

8. Regular low impact vs high impact

When getting started with a healthy lifestyle, you might think it is necessary to jump into a fast-paced, high-level exercise program or maybe even go out and run 5 kilometers your first week. The truth is you don’t need to hurt/torture yourself to be healthy. (I definitely learned this the hard way!) If you’re interested in starting a running program, try starting out with a brisk walk first, and gradually increasing your speed and distance. Or if you find it hard to stay motivated to run, stick with the regular walks. Running isn’t for everyone, so find what’s right for you.

Regular lower intensity exercise is better than inconsistent high-intensity exercise that you can’t maintain in your regular routine.

9. Regular check-ins for health maintenance

Like most areas of health, regular maintenance check-ins for strength and mobility can prevent future problems by catching issues before they turn into injuries. It can also be helpful to have goal check-ins where you discuss how you are progressing with the goals you have set? Do they need to be revisited and updated?

10. Be proactive

If you have an injury – get it checked out early with your physiotherapist. The longer you put off an injury, the more chronic it becomes and the longer it will take to recover. It is important during the early stages of an injury to protect the joint and optimally load the tissues. This can make sure you can get back to a healthy lifestyle as quickly and safely as possible.

If you are ready to start your physiotherapy journey to stay PROACTIVE give us a call!

(506) 472-1565